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Code Details >> Core >> MemoryMgmt >> CachedDataManager

CachedDataManager Class

Static class manages the local and distributed caches and handles all requests for object retrieval and object storing

Namespace: SobekCM.Core.MemoryMgmt
Assembly: SobekCM_Core (in SobekCM_Core.dll) Version: (


public static class CachedDataManager

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodStatic memberClear_Cache
Clears all values from the cache and caching server
Public methodStatic memberClear_Public_Folder_Info
Clears the related public folder information, if it exists
Public methodStatic memberClear_Search_Results_Browses
Clears all search results and browses from the in-memory cache
Public methodStatic memberRemove_All_User_Folder_Browses
Removes all the user folder browses for a particular user from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRemove_Project(String, Custom_Tracer)
Removes a global project object from the cache , it it exists
Public methodStatic memberRemove_Project(Int32, String, Custom_Tracer)
Removes a user-specific project object from the cache , it it exists
Public methodStatic memberRemove_User_Folder_Browse
Removes a (assumed private) user's folder browse from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse
Retrieves a metadata browse list for an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Browse_Result_Statistics
Retrieves the table of search results from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Browse_Results
Retrieves a result set for browsing a set of items underneath an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Project(String, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves a global project object from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Project(Int32, String, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves a user-specific project object from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Public_Folder_Browse
Retrieves a public folder browse from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Public_Folder_Info
Retrieves a built public folder object from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Public_Folder_Statistics
Retrieves a public folder browse from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Search_Result_Statistics(Navigation_Object, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves the table of search results from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Search_Result_Statistics(Results_Arguments, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves the table of search results from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Search_Results(Navigation_Object, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves the table of search results from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Search_Results(Results_Arguments, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Custom_Tracer)
Retrieves the table of search results from the cache
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_Site_Map
Retrieves a site map navigational object for static web content pages
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_User_Folder_Browse
Retrieves a (assumed private) user's folder browse by user id and folder name
Public methodStatic memberRetrieve_User_Folder_Browse_Statistics
Retrieves a (assumed private) user's folder browse by user id and folder name
Public methodStatic memberStore_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse
Stores a list of metadata fields for metadata browsing an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberStore_Browse_Result_Statistics
Stores the table of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Browse_Results
Stores a result set for browsing a set of items underneath an item aggregation
Public methodStatic memberStore_Project(String, SobekCM_Item, Custom_Tracer)
Stores a global project object on the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Project(Int32, String, SobekCM_Item, Custom_Tracer)
Stores a user-specific project object on the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Public_Folder_Browse
Stores a public folder browse into the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Public_Folder_Info
Stores a public folder object into the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Public_Folder_Statistics
Stores a public folder browse into the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Result_Statistics(Navigation_Object, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Search_Results_Statistics, Custom_Tracer)
Stores the table of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Result_Statistics(Results_Arguments, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, Search_Results_Statistics, Custom_Tracer)
Stores the table of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Results(Navigation_Object, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, List<(Of <<'(iSearch_Title_Result>)>>), Custom_Tracer)
Stores a single page of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Results(Navigation_Object, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, List<(Of <<'(List<(Of <<'(iSearch_Title_Result>)>>)>)>>), Custom_Tracer)
Store several pages of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Results(Results_Arguments, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, List<(Of <<'(iSearch_Title_Result>)>>), Custom_Tracer)
Stores a single page of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Search_Results(Results_Arguments, Int32, Int32, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Int64, Int64, List<(Of <<'(List<(Of <<'(iSearch_Title_Result>)>>)>)>>), Custom_Tracer)
Store several pages of search results to the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_Site_Map
Stores a site map navigational object for static web content pages
Public methodStatic memberStore_User_Folder_Browse
Stores a (assumed private) user's folder browse into the cache
Public methodStatic memberStore_User_Folder_Browse_Statistics
Stores a (assumed private) user's folder browse into the cache


Public propertyStatic memberAggregations
Aggregation-specific cached data manager services
Public propertyStatic memberBuilder
Top-level builder services specific cached data manager services
Public propertyStatic memberItems
Top-level digital resource (item) specific cached data manager services
Public propertyStatic memberLocally_Cached_Objects
Read-only list of basic information about all the objects stored in the local cache
Public propertyStatic memberSettings
Current settings for the cached data manager
Public propertyStatic memberWebContent
Top-level static web content specific cached data manager services
Public propertyStatic memberWebSkins
Web skin-specific cached data manager services

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )