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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> Behaviors Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object.Behaviors Namespace

Contains all the SobekCM-specific behaviorts and processing instructions for a digital resource, as well as all SobekCM-specific data for a digital resource (i.e., primary key, location on servers, etc..)


Public classAggregation_Info
Stores basic information (code and name) of all aggregations linked to a digital object
Public classBehaviors_Info
Class holds all the non-descriptive behavior information, such as under which aggregations this item should appear, which web skins, etc..
Public classDescriptive_Tag
Class holds the information about a single user-entered descriptive tag in relation to this digital object
Public classMain_Page_Info
Stores the information about the main page with a digital resource. This is used for the FULL VIEW on SobekCM.
Public classRelated_Titles
Class represents titles which are related to the current title in the SobekCM database
Public classSerial_Info
Stores the serial hierarchy information associated with this resource
Public classSerial_Info..::..Single_Serial_Hierarchy
Single bit of serial hierarchy data to be associated with this resource
Public classView_Object
Objects contains data about a particular view for this item in SobekCM
Public classWordmark_Info
Class represents the information about a single wordmark


Public enumerationView_Enum
Enumeration of the possible 'views' for a digital resource or page

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )