SobekCM.Resource_Object.Utilities Namespace
Utility classes used to perform duties, such as creating image derivates, validating the METS, etc..
| Class | Description |
 | Image_Derivative_Creation_Processor | Proceessor class is used for creatig image derivatives for a single package
destined for a SobekCM library, including thumbnails, jpeg images, and a service jpeg2000 file |
 | METS_Validator_Object | Validates a METS file with references to the SobekCM custom schema |
 | SobekCM_Item_Mover | Utility is used to move or copy a SobekCM item (digital resource) to a new location |
 | SobekCM_Item_Validator | Class is used to perform some basic validation on a SobekCM_Item. |
 | SobekCM_METS_Finder | METS finder looks for the most current METS file in a variety of workflow and service
locations, pulling the latest file or eventually building the file from database information
if necessary |
 | SobekCM_METS_Validator | Validates a METS file with SobekCM METS file standards |