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SobekCM_Item Class

Main object represents a single digital resource including all the metadata, divisions, and files.

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class SobekCM_Item : MetadataDescribableBase


Object created by Mark V Sullivan (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodSobekCM_Item()()()()
Constructor for a new instance of the SobekCM_Item class
Public methodSobekCM_Item(OAI_Repository_DublinCore_Record)
Constructor for a new instance of the SobekCM_Item class, which imports values from a OAI record


Public methodAdd_Bib_Info
This class adds a bib info object to this class
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodAdd_Metadata_Module
Adds a new metadata module extension to this digital resource
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodAdd_Unanalyzed_AMDSEC(Unanalyzed_METS_Section)
Adds information about an unanalyzed AMDSEC (administrative metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodAdd_Unanalyzed_AMDSEC(List<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>)>>), String, String)
Adds information about an unanalyzed AMDSEC (administrative metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodAdd_Unanalyzed_DMDSEC(Unanalyzed_METS_Section)
Adds information about an unanalyzed DMDSEC (descriptive metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodAdd_Unanalyzed_DMDSEC(List<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>)>>), String, String)
Adds information about an unanalyzed DMDSEC (descriptive metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodCreate_Serial_Hierarchy
Creates the serial hierarchy if this is a newspaper or serial item
Public methodStatic memberDirectory_From_Bib_VID
Get the pairtree folder structure from a provided BibID / VID pair
Public methodFinalize_METS
Finalize this METS file for the lsat writing before loading to SobekCM
Public methodGeneral_Cleanup
Performs some general clean-up functions while finalizing METS files
Public methodGet_MARC_HTML(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>))
Writes all the data about this item in MARC-ish HTML for display online
Public methodGet_MARC_HTML(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>), String)
Writes all the data about this item in MARC-ish HTML for display online
Public methodGet_Metadata_Module
Gets a metadata module extension by name from this digital resource
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public methodName_All_Pages
Ensure that each page has a name. If no pages were named, they are just named from 'Page 1' up. If some pages are named, any missing pages are named by the division type in which they reside.
Public methodRead
Read from an existing metadata file into the current object
Public methodStatic memberRead_Directory
Read from an existing metadata file and returns a new object
Public methodRead_Divisions_From_INFO
Reads the divisions from an existing INFO file into the current object
Public methodStatic memberRead_File
Read from an existing metadata file and returns a new object
Public methodRead_From_MARC_XML
Reads the bibliographic information from an existing MARC XML file into the current object
Public methodRead_From_METS
Read from an existing METS file into the current object
Public methodRead_From_MXF
Read from an existing MXF file into the current object
Public methodStatic memberRead_INFO
Reads an existing INFO file and returns a new object
Public methodStatic memberRead_MARC_XML
Reads the bibliographic information from an existing MARC XML file and returns a new object
Public methodStatic memberRead_METS
Read from an existing METS file and returns a new object
Public methodStatic memberRead_MXF
Read from an existing MXF file and returns a new object
Public methodSave_Bib_Level_METS
Save this resource as a bib_level METS file
Public methodSave_Citation_Only_METS
Save this resource as a bib_level METS file
Public methodSave_FCLA_METS
Save this resource as a METS file destined for FCLA's Florida Digital Archive
Public methodSave_METS()()()()
Save this resource as a METS file
Public methodSave_METS(Boolean)
Save this resource as a METS file
Public methodSave_METS(String)
Save this resource as a METS file
Public methodSave_SobekCM_METS
Saves this resource as a SobekCM Service METS file
Public methodSet_License
Adds the license information, used for the dLOC Toolkit which uses license codes to control the source information in the METS file and allow FTP
Public methodSet_PURL
Sets the (P)URL to be included in the METS file
Public methodSet_Serial_Info
Saves the data stored in this instance of the element to the provided bibliographic object
Public methodTo_MARC_Record()()()()
Gets the collection of MARC tags to be written for this digital resource
Public methodTo_MARC_Record(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Gets the collection of MARC tags to be written for this digital resource
Public methodValidate_Against_Schema()()()()
Validates this METS file against the XML Schema
Public methodStatic memberValidate_Against_Schema(SobekCM_Item)
Validates this METS file against the XML Schema
Public methodValidate_Files(Boolean)
Checks that each file in the package is present in the directory.
Public methodStatic memberValidate_Files(SobekCM_Item, Boolean)
Checks that each file in the package is present in the directory.


Protected fieldBIBInfo
Bibliographic information for this metadata describable element
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Protected fieldMetadataModules
Collection of metadata modules associated with this metadata describable element
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Protected fieldUnanalyzedAmdsecs
Collection of unanalyzed (unanalyzable) administrative amdSecs for this metadata describable element
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Protected fieldUnanalyzedDmdsecs
Collection of unanalyzed (unanalyzable) descriptive dmdSecs for this metadata describable element
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)


Protected propertyADMID
ID's of any administrative metadata sections included while writing a METS file
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyBehaviors
Gets the behavior information about how this item behaves in a digital repository
Public propertyBib_Info
Gets the bibliographic information associated with this node
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyBib_Title
Gets the appropriate title to use as the bib-level title
Public propertyBibID
Gets and sets the Bibliographic Identifier (BibID) associated with this resource
Public propertyContains_Complex_Content
Gets a flag that indicates if the data in this item contains complex content which appears to be derived from a MARC record or otherwise have faceted elements which would be lost in a simple template.
Public propertyDiskSize_KB
Size of the entire package on disk (in kilobytes )
Public propertyDivisions
Gets and sets the division and file information for this resource
Protected propertyDMDID
ID's of any descriptive metadata sections included while writing a METS file
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyFinalize_Errors
Gets any errors which occurred during Finalizing
Public propertyhasBibliographicData
Flag indicates if the bibliographic data object has been built here and contains data
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyhasTrackingInformation
Gets flag which indicates if there is any tracking information in this object
Public propertyMetadata_Modules
Gets the collection of all included metadata module extensions
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyMETS_Header
Gets the METS header specific information associated with this resource
Public propertySource_Directory
Gets and sets the source directory, where all the files can be found
Public propertyTracking
Gets the tracking information object which contains status and history information
Public propertyUnanalyzed_AMDSECs
Gets the collection of unanalyzed AMDSECs (administrative metadata sections) in the original METS file
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyUnanalyzed_DMDSECs
Gets the collection of unanalyzed DMDSECs (descriptive metadata sections) in the original METS file
(Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.)
Public propertyUsing_Complex_Template
If this item is user-specific, this stores whether the user has requested to use the more complex template when editing the item's data
Public propertyValidation_Errors
Gets any errors which occurred during Validation
Public propertyVID
Gets and sets the Volume Identifier (VID) associated with this resource
Public propertyWeb
Gets the information used by the SobekCM web application during rendering

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )