| Class | Description |
 | Abstract_Info | Stores the information about any 'abstracts' associated with this digital resource. |
 | AccessCondition_Info | Stores the information about any access conditions or rights associated with this digital resource. |
 | Affiliation_Info | Stores the information about any 'affiliations' associated with this digital resource. |
 | Bibliographic_Info | Stores the descriptive metadata for the bibliographic resource |
 | Classification_Info | Stores the information about any classifications associated with this digital resource. |
 | Finding_Guide_Container | Contains information about a single finding guide container related to a digital resource (and ostensibly an EAD ) |
 | Genre_Info | Stores the information about any genre associated with this digital resource. |
 | Identifier_Info | Stores information about a single identifier associated with a digital resource |
 | Language_Info | A designation of the language in which the content of a resource is expressed |
 | Location_Info | The "location" identifies the institution or repository holding the resource,
or a remote location in the form of a URL where it is available. |
 | MODS_Info | Contains all the data elements which are expressed in MODS format. |
 | MODS_Origin_Info | Information about the origin of the resource, including place of origin or publication,
publisher/originator, and dates associated with the resource |
 | Name_Info | The name of a person, organization, or event (conference, meeting, etc.) associated in some way with the resource. |
 | Name_Info_MarcRelator_Code | MARC Relator code associated with a Name_Info object |
 | Name_Info_Role | Class used to store all the information about the roles associated with a Name_Info object. |
 | Note_Info | General textual information relating to a resource |
 | Origin_Info_Frequency | Stored information about a frequency with which a resource was published or created |
 | Origin_Info_Place | Contains information about a single origination location (publication place) for an item |
 | Part_Info | Designation of physical parts of a resource in a detailed form
(particularly in relation to the original host document or larger body of work) |
 | PhysicalDescription_Form_Info | Stores information about the Designation of a particular presentation of a resource, including the physical form or medium of material for a resource |
 | PhysicalDescription_Info | physicalDescription is a wrapper element that contains all subelements relating to
physical description information of the resource described. Data is input only within each
subelement. |
 | Publisher_Info | Class contains the information about the publisher of a resource |
 | Record_Info | Class stores information about the metadata record and source of the metadata record |
 | Related_Item_Info | Represents information about a related item |
 | Source_Info | Stores the source institution information about a digital resource |
 | Subject_Info | A term or phrase representing the primary topic(s) on which a work is focused. |
 | Subject_Info_Cartographics | Subject information which includes cartographic data indicating spatial coverage |
 | Subject_Info_HierarchicalGeographic | A geographic name given in a hierarchical form relating to the resource. |
 | Subject_Info_Name | Name used as a subject for a digital resource |
 | Subject_Info_Standard | Standard subject keywords for this item |
 | Subject_Info_TitleInfo | Title used as a subject for a digital resource |
 | Subject_Standard_Base | Base class from which the standard subject, title as subject, and name as subject extend |
 | TargetAudience_Info | A description of the intellectual level of the audience for which the resource is intended. |
 | Temporal_Info | Stores the temporal subject information about a digital resource |
 | Title_Info | A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in a resource, that names it or the work contained in it. |
 | TypeOfResource_Info | A term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource |