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Portal Class

A portal represents a single unique appearance and behavior for this digital library associated with a specific URL and linked to one or more collections and web skins

Namespace: SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState
Assembly: SobekCM_Core (in SobekCM_Core.dll) Version: (


public class Portal

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodPortal
Constructor for a new instance of the Portal class


Public methodAdd_Possible_Aggregation
Adds a web skin code to the list of possible web skins that can be displayed through this portal
Public methodAdd_Possible_Web_Skin
Adds a web skin code to the list of possible web skins that can be displayed through this portal
Public methodIs_Possible_Aggregation
Flag indicates if the provided aggregation code is permitted within this portal
Public methodIs_Possible_Web_Skin
Flag indicates if the provided web skin code is permitted within this portal


Public fieldID
Gets the primary key for this portal in the database


Public propertyAbbreviation
Abbreviation used for the library when viewed through this portal
Public propertyAggregation_Limiting
Flag indicates if this portal limits the aggregationPermissions which can be displayed
Public propertyBase_PURL
Base PURL to used when constructing a PURL for items within this portal, if it is different than the standard base URL
Public propertyDefault_Aggregation
Default aggregation, or 'all' if all aggregationPermissions are available
Public propertyDefault_Web_Skin
Default web skin used when displayed through this portal
Public propertyName
Name for the library when viewed through this portal
Public propertyPossibleAggregations
Aggregations which can appear under this portal
Public propertyPossibleSkins
Web skins which can appear under this portal
Public propertyURL_Segment
URL segment used to determine if a request comes from this portal
Public propertyWeb_Skin_Limiting
Flag indicates if this portal limits the web skins which can be displayed

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )