SobekCM.Resource_Object.Behaviors Namespace
Contains all the SobekCM-specific behaviorts and processing instructions for a digital resource, as well as all SobekCM-specific data for a digital resource (i.e., primary key, location on servers, etc..)
| Class | Description |
 | Aggregation_Info | Stores basic information (code and name) of all aggregations linked to a digital object |
 | Behaviors_Info | Class holds all the non-descriptive behavior information, such as under which
aggregations this item should appear, which web skins, etc.. |
 | Descriptive_Tag | Class holds the information about a single user-entered descriptive tag in relation to this digital object |
 | Main_Page_Info | Stores the information about the main page with a digital resource. This is used for the FULL VIEW on SobekCM. |
 | Related_Titles | Class represents titles which are related to the current title in the
SobekCM database |
 | Serial_Info | Stores the serial hierarchy information associated with this resource |
 | Serial_Info..::..Single_Serial_Hierarchy | Single bit of serial hierarchy data to be associated with this resource |
 | View_Object | Objects contains data about a particular view for this item in SobekCM |
 | Wordmark_Info | Class represents the information about a single wordmark |
| Enumeration | Description |
 | View_Enum | Enumeration of the possible 'views' for a digital resource or page |