| Class | Description |
 | Aggregation_Hierarchy | Class holds all the aggregation hierarchy information |
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation |
Contains all of the data about a single aggregation of items, such as a collection or
institutional items. This class indicates to SobekCM where to look for searches, browses,
and information. It also contains all the information for rendering the home pages of each of
these levels.
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation_Child_Page | Basic information about a single child page for an item aggregation |
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation_Comparer | Class is used to compare two aggregation objects and is generally used to determine
has been updated within an item aggreation during administrative work |
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation_Highlights | Holds all the information about an item aggregation highlight, including text, image, tooltip, and link |
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation_Home_Page | Information about a single home language-specific home page |
 | Complete_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type | Complete information about a single metadata type, related to an item aggregation |
 | Item_Aggregation | Language-specific item aggregation data |
 | Item_Aggregation_Child_Page | Basic information about any child page to an item aggregation, regardless of whether this is a
static html page, or a browse pulled from the database |
 | Item_Aggregation_Custom_Directive | Custom derivative information which allows a custom derivative
to be replaced with HTML read from a source file, in the home page, info
pages, and browse pages |
 | Item_Aggregation_Front_Banner | Information about a front-banner for an item aggregation |
 | Item_Aggregation_Highlights | Single image highlight from an aggregation, with the information for only a single language |
 | Item_Aggregation_Map_Coverage_Info | Map coordinate and zoom (Google Maps) information for map search or map browse |
 | Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type | Information about a single metadata type, related to an item aggregation |
 | Item_Aggregation_Minimal | Class contains the very minimal amount of data used for some references to aggregations |
 | Item_Aggregation_Related_Aggregations | Class contains very basic information about item aggregationPermissions which are related
(either as parent or child) to the main item aggregation |
 | Item_Aggregation_Statistics | Basic statistical information for an item aggregation, including basic counts of items, titles, pages, etc.. |
 | New_Aggregation_Arguments | Arguments necessary for adding a new item aggregation to the system |
 | Thematic_Heading | Data about a single thematic heading, used to organize item aggregationPermissions on the main home page |