| Name | Description |
 | Active | Flag indicating this item aggregation is active |
 | Active_Children_Count | Gets the number of child item aggregationPermissions present |
 | Banner_Dictionary | Get the standard banner dictionary, by language |
 | Browse_Info_Count | Gets the number of browses and info pages attached to this item aggregation |
 | Browseable_Fields | Returns the list of the primary identifiers for all metadata fields which have data and thus could appear in the metadata browse |
 | Can_Browse_Items | Flag indicates if this aggregation can potentially include the ALL ITEMS and NEW ITEMS tabs |
 | Child_Pages | Collection of all child pages |
 | Child_Types | The common type of all child collections, or the default |
 | Children | Gets the read-only collection of children item aggregation objects |
 | Children_Count | Gets the number of child item aggregationPermissions present |
 | Code | Code for this item aggregation object |
 | Contact_Email | Contact email for any correspondance regarding this item aggregation |
 | ContactForm | Any aggregation-specific contact form configuration, otherwise NULL |
 | CSS_File | Aggregation-level CSS file, if one exists |
 | Custom_Directives | Gets the list of custom directives (which function like Server-Side Includes)
for this item aggregation |
 | Default_BrowseBy | Default browse by code, if no code is provided in the request |
 | Default_Result_View | Gets the default results view mode for this item aggregation |
 | Default_Skin | Default interface to be used for this item aggregation |
 | Description | Description of this item aggregation (in the default language ) |
 | Display_Options | Display options string for this item aggregation |
 | External_Link | External link associated with this item aggregation |
 | Facets | Returns the list of all facets to display during searches and browses within this aggregation |
 | Front_Banner_Dictionary | Get the front banner dictionary, by language |
 | Has_Browse_By_Pages | Flag indicates if this item aggregation has at least one BROWSE BY page to display |
 | Has_New_Items | Flag indicates if new items have recently been added to this collection which requires additional collection-level work |
 | Hidden | Flag indicating this item aggregation is hidden from most displays |
 | Highlights | Gets the list of highlights associated with this item |
 | Home_Page_File_Dictionary | Gets the raw home page source file |
 | ID | ID for this item aggregation object |
 | Info_Pages | Read-only list of all the info objects attached to this item aggregation |
 | Items_Can_Be_Described | Flag indicates whether items linked to this item can be described by logged in users |
 | Language_Variants | Get the list of different language variants available |
 | Last_Item_Added | Date the last item was added to this collection |
 | Load_Email | Email address to receive notifications when items load under this aggregation |
 | Map_Browse_Display | Default map display information ( i.e., center and zoom of map ) for doing a map browse within the aggregation |
 | Map_Display_Beta | Flag that tells what type of map display to show for this item aggregation |
 | Map_Search_Beta | Flag that tells what type of map searching to allow for this item aggregation |
 | Map_Search_Display | Default map display information ( i.e., center and zoom of map ) for doing a map search within the aggregation |
 | Name | Full name of this item aggregation |
 | OAI_Enabled | Flag indicates whether this item aggregation should be made available via OAI-PMH |
 | OAI_Metadata | Additional metadata for this item aggregation to be included when providing the list of OAI-PMH sets |
 | ObjDirectory | Directory where all design information for this object is found |
 | Parent_Codes | Returns the list of all parent codes to this aggregation, seperate by a semi-colon |
 | Parent_Count | Gets the number of parent item aggregationPermissions present |
 | Parents | Gets the read-only collection of parent item aggregation objects |
 | Result_Views | Gets the list of all result views present in this item aggregation |
 | Rotating_Highlights | Value indicates if the highlights should be rotating through a number of
highlights, or be fixed on a single highlight |
 | Search_Fields | Returns the list of the primary identifiers for all metadata fields which have data and thus should appear in the advanced search drop downs |
 | Search_Types | Read-only list of searches types for this item aggregation |
 | ShortName | Short name of this item aggregation |
 | Show_New_Item_Browse | Flag indicates if this aggregation has had any changes over the last two weeks |
 | Statistics | Statistical information about this aggregation ( i.e., item, title, and page count ) |
 | Thematic_Heading | Key to the thematic heading under which this aggregation should appear on the main home page |
 | Type | Type of item aggregation object |
 | Views_And_Searches | Read-only list of collection views and searches for this item aggregation |
 | Web_Skins | Gets the list of web skins this aggregation can appear under |