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Shibboleth_Configuration Class

Static class contains all the Shibboleth configuration details from the configuration file as well as methods to do read the configuration file

Namespace: SobekCM.Core.Configuration.Authentication
Assembly: SobekCM_Core (in SobekCM_Core.dll) Version: (


public class Shibboleth_Configuration

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodShibboleth_Configuration
Constructor for a new instance of the Shibboleth_Configuration class


Public methodAdd_Attribute_Mapping
Add a new mapping between a server variable returned from Shibboleth and a user attribute within the SobekCM user object
Public methodAdd_CanSubmit_Indicator
Add a new indicator that a new user established using this Shibboleth authentication system can submit items
Public methodAdd_Constant
Add a new constant mapping for all new users that are established using this Shibboleth authentication system
Public methodGet_User_Object_Mapping
Get the mapping from the server variable into the new user object
Public methodSave_To_Config_File
Save this quality control configuration to a XML config file


Public propertyAttributeMapping
List of all the attribute mapping, where attributes returned in the Shibboleth token are mapped to the SobekCM user object
Public propertyCanSubmitIndicators
Gets the list of possible indicators from the Shibboleth auth tokens that indicate this user should be given the ability to submit items via the online interface
Public propertyConstants
List of all the constants to assign to a new user
Public propertyDebug
Flag indicates if this is set to DEBUG mode, in which case data is written to the trace route during each check, or Shibboleth authentication
Public propertyEnabled
Flag indicates if Shibboleth authentication is currently enabled
Public propertyLabel
Label for this type of authentication, to be displayed to user during logon
Public propertyShibbolethURL
URL for the instance of Shibboleth
Public propertyUserIdentityAttribute
Primary attribute from the Shibboleth cookie which identifies the user uniquely

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )

show trace route (sys admin)