| Name | Description |
 | Add_PageTurner_ItemViewer | Flag indicates if the page turner should be added automatically |
 | Complete_Package_Required_Aging | Number of ticks that a complete package must age before being processed |
 | Convert_Office_Files_To_PDF | Flag indicates if the builder should try to convert office files (Word and Powerpoint) to PDF during load and post-processing |
 | Ghostscript_Executable | Ghostscript executable file |
 | IIS_Logs_Directory | IIS web log location (usually a network share) for the builder
to read the logs and add the usage statistics to the database |
 | ImageMagick_Executable | ImageMagick executable file |
 | IncomingFolders | [DataMember] List of all the incoming folders which should be checked for new resources |
 | ItemDeleteModulesSettings | [DataMember] List of all the builder modules to use for item deletes (processed by the builder) |
 | ItemProcessModulesSettings | [DataMember] List of all the builder modules used for new packages or updates (processed by the builder) |
 | Kakadu_JP2_Create_Command | Kakadu JPEG2000 script will override the specifications used when creating zoomable images |
 | Log_Expiration_Days | Number of days builder logs remain before the builder will try to delete it |
 | Main_Builder_Input_Folder | Returns the network location for the main builder, which runs essentially
without restrictions |
 | METS_Only_Package_Required_Aging | Number of ticks that a metadata only package must age before being processed |
 | OCR_Command_Prompt | Command to launch the OCR engine against a single TIFF to produce a single TEXT file |
 | Override_Seconds_Between_Polls | Number of seconds between polls, from the configuration file (not the database) |
 | PostProcessModulesSettings | [DataMember] List of modules to run after doing any additional processing |
 | PreProcessModulesSettings | [DataMember] List of modules to run before doing any additional processing |
 | Seconds_Between_Polls | Number of seconds the builder waits between polls |
 | Send_Usage_Emails | Flag indicates is usage emails should be sent automatically
after the stats usage has been calculated and added to the database |
 | Verbose_Flag | Flag indicates if the builder should be extra verbose in the log files (used for debugging purposes mostly) |
 | VerifyCheckSum | Flag indicates whether checksums should be verified |