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SobekCM.Resource_Object.OAI.Reader Namespace

Contains classes used for harvesting OAI-PMH feeds and converting OAI dublin core into SobekCM METS files.


Public classOAI_Repository_DublinCore_Record
Single record from Dublin Core metadata from an OAI-PMH repository
Public classOAI_Repository_Information
Basic information about an OAI-PMH repository which allows for harvesting of OAI-PMH records either directly into a SobekCM library or into METS files for loading
Public classOAI_Repository_Records_List
Collection of OAI-PMH records from the OAI-PMH repository
Public classOAI_Repository_Stream_Reader
Static class is used to query an OAI-PMH repository for information about the repository or records within that repository

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )