| Name | Description |
 | Add_Bib_Info | This class adds a bib info object to this class (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Add_Metadata_Module | Adds a new metadata module extension to this digital resource (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Add_Unanalyzed_AMDSEC(Unanalyzed_METS_Section) | Adds information about an unanalyzed AMDSEC (administrative metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Add_Unanalyzed_AMDSEC(List<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>)>>), String, String) | Adds information about an unanalyzed AMDSEC (administrative metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Add_Unanalyzed_DMDSEC(Unanalyzed_METS_Section) | Adds information about an unanalyzed DMDSEC (descriptive metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Add_Unanalyzed_DMDSEC(List<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>)>)>>), String, String) | Adds information about an unanalyzed DMDSEC (descriptive metadata section) in the METS file, to be preserved as is for later writing (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Create_Serial_Hierarchy | Creates the serial hierarchy if this is a newspaper or serial item |
  | Directory_From_Bib_VID | Get the pairtree folder structure from a provided BibID / VID pair |
 | Finalize_METS | Finalize this METS file for the lsat writing before loading to SobekCM |
 | General_Cleanup | Performs some general clean-up functions while finalizing METS files |
 | Get_MARC_HTML(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>)) | Writes all the data about this item in MARC-ish HTML for display online |
 | Get_MARC_HTML(Dictionary<(Of <<'(String, Object>)>>), String) | Writes all the data about this item in MARC-ish HTML for display online |
 | Get_Metadata_Module | Gets a metadata module extension by name from this digital resource (Inherited from MetadataDescribableBase.) |
 | Name_All_Pages | Ensure that each page has a name. If no pages were named, they are just named
from 'Page 1' up. If some pages are named, any missing pages are named by the division
type in which they reside. |
 | Read | Read from an existing metadata file into the current object |
  | Read_Directory | Read from an existing metadata file and returns a new object |
 | Read_Divisions_From_INFO | Reads the divisions from an existing INFO file into the current object |
  | Read_File | Read from an existing metadata file and returns a new object |
 | Read_From_MARC_XML | Reads the bibliographic information from an existing MARC XML file into the current object |
 | Read_From_METS | Read from an existing METS file into the current object |
 | Read_From_MXF | Read from an existing MXF file into the current object |
  | Read_INFO | Reads an existing INFO file and returns a new object |
  | Read_MARC_XML | Reads the bibliographic information from an existing MARC XML file and returns a new object |
  | Read_METS | Read from an existing METS file and returns a new object |
  | Read_MXF | Read from an existing MXF file and returns a new object |
 | Save_Bib_Level_METS | Save this resource as a bib_level METS file |
 | Save_Citation_Only_METS | Save this resource as a bib_level METS file |
 | Save_FCLA_METS | Save this resource as a METS file destined for FCLA's Florida Digital Archive |
 | Save_METS()()()() | Save this resource as a METS file |
 | Save_METS(Boolean) | Save this resource as a METS file |
 | Save_METS(String) | Save this resource as a METS file |
 | Save_SobekCM_METS | Saves this resource as a SobekCM Service METS file |
 | Set_License | Adds the license information, used for the dLOC Toolkit which uses license codes to
control the source information in the METS file and allow FTP |
 | Set_PURL | Sets the (P)URL to be included in the METS file |
 | Set_Serial_Info | Saves the data stored in this instance of the
element to the provided bibliographic object |
 | To_MARC_Record()()()() | Gets the collection of MARC tags to be written for this digital resource |
 | To_MARC_Record(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) | Gets the collection of MARC tags to be written for this digital resource |
 | Validate_Against_Schema()()()() | Validates this METS file against the XML Schema |
  | Validate_Against_Schema(SobekCM_Item) | Validates this METS file against the XML Schema |
 | Validate_Files(Boolean) | Checks that each file in the package is present in the directory. |
  | Validate_Files(SobekCM_Item, Boolean) | Checks that each file in the package is present in the directory. |