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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> Utilities Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object.Utilities Namespace

Utility classes used to perform duties, such as creating image derivates, validating the METS, etc..


Public classImage_Derivative_Creation_Processor
Proceessor class is used for creatig image derivatives for a single package destined for a SobekCM library, including thumbnails, jpeg images, and a service jpeg2000 file
Public classMETS_Validator_Object
Validates a METS file with references to the SobekCM custom schema
Public classSobekCM_Item_Mover
Utility is used to move or copy a SobekCM item (digital resource) to a new location
Public classSobekCM_Item_Validator
Class is used to perform some basic validation on a SobekCM_Item.
Public classSobekCM_METS_Finder
METS finder looks for the most current METS file in a variety of workflow and service locations, pulling the latest file or eventually building the file from database information if necessary
Public classSobekCM_METS_Validator
Validates a METS file with SobekCM METS file standards


Public delegateImage_Creation_New_Progress_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when the progress bar should change.
Public delegateImage_Creation_New_Status_String_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when the status string on the main form needs to change
Public delegateImage_Creation_Process_Complete_Delegate
Delegate for the custom event which is fired when all the processing is complete
Public delegateNew_Wordmark_Added_Delegate
Delegate is used for the event which fires when a new wordmark is added while loading an item into the library


Public enumerationSobekCM_Item_Mover..::..SobekCM_Item_Move_Type_Enum
Enumeration tells whether to MOVE or COPY the files

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )