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Code Details >> Core >> Navigation >> Navigation_Object

Navigation_Object Class

This object stores the current and next mode information for a single HTTP request.

Namespace: SobekCM.Core.Navigation
Assembly: SobekCM_Core (in SobekCM_Core.dll) Version: (


public class Navigation_Object


Object written by Mark V Sullivan for the University of Florida.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodNavigation_Object
Constructor for a new instance of the SobekCM_Navigation_Object which stores all of the information about an individual request.


Public methodStatic memberIs_UserAgent_IP_Robot
Algorithm tests the user agent and IP address against known robots to determine if this request is from a search engine indexer or web site crawler bot.
Public methodSet_Robot_Flag
Algorithm tests the user agent and IP address against known robots to determine if this request is from a search engine indexer or web site crawler bot. This returns the value and also sets an internal robot flag.
Public methodShouldSerializeDateRange_Date1
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the DateRange_Date1 property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeDateRange_Date2
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the DateRange_Date2 property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeDateRange_Year1
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the DateRange_Year1 property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeDateRange_Year2
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the DateRange_Year2 property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeFolderID
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the FolderID property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeInvalid_Item
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Invalid_Item property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeItemID_DEPRECATED
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the ItemID_DEPRECATED property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeMissing
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Missing flag property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializePage
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Page property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeShow_Selection_Panel
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Show_Selection_Panel property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeSize_Of_Thumbnails
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Size_Of_Thumbnails property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeSort
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Sort property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeSubPage
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the SubPage property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeThumbnails_Per_Page
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the Thumbnails_Per_Page property if it is NULL
Public methodShouldSerializeWebContentID
Method suppresses XML Serialization of the WebContentID property if it is NULL


Public propertyAdmin_Type
Admin type of display for the current request.
Public propertyAggregation
Current aggregation code
Public propertyAggregation_Alias
Current aggregation alias code, if there is one
Public propertyAggregation_Type
Submode for agrgegation views
Public propertyBase_Design_URL
URL to this application's design folder
Public propertyBase_Skin
Base infterface interface for display purposes
Public propertyBase_Skin_Or_Skin
Base infterface interface for display purposes
Public propertyBase_URL
Base URL requested by the user
Public propertyBibID
Bib id to display
Public propertyBrowser_Type
Browser type
Public propertyCaught_Exception
Exception generated during execution
Public propertyCoordinates
Coordinate search string for a geographic search
Public propertyDateRange_Date1
Beginning of a date range, if the search includes a date range between two arbitrary dates
Public propertyDateRange_Date2
End of a date range, if the search includes a date range between two arbitrary dates
Public propertyDateRange_Year1
Beginning of the year range, if the search includes a date range between two years
Public propertyDateRange_Year2
End of the year range, if the search includes a date range between two years
Public propertyDefault_Aggregation
Default aggregation (based on original URL)
Public propertyDefault_Language
Default language for this user, from their browser settings
Public propertyDefault_Skin
Default interface (based on original URL)
Public propertyError_Message
Simple error message generated during execution
Public propertyFolderID
Primary key for the folder to display
Public propertyFragment
Fragment utilized when only a portion of a page needs to be rendered
Public propertyHome_Type
Submode for the main library home page
Public propertyInfo_Browse_Mode
Browse or info mode to display
Public propertyInstance_Abbreviation
Returns the name of this instance ( i.e., 'UDC', 'dLOC', etc... )
Public propertyInstance_Name
Returns the name of this instance ( i.e., 'UDC', 'dLOC', etc... )
Public propertyInternal_Type
Submode for the internal pages
Public propertyInvalid_Item
Flag that is set to indicate item requested is invalid
Public propertyIs_Robot
Flag indicating if the current request is from a search engine indexer or web site crawler bot.
Public propertyisPostBack
Flag indicating this is a post back
Public propertyItemID_DEPRECATED
(DEPRECATED) ItemID which formerly was used for indicating items in the URL
Public propertyLanguage
Language for the interface
Public propertyLanguage_Code
Language code for the current skin language
Public propertyLogon_Required
Flag indicates that logon is required to access the requested mode
Public propertyMissing
Flag indicates if the requested web content page (or item) is not present (possibly a bad URL)
Public propertyMode
Mode determined by parsing the query string
Public propertyMy_Sobek_SubMode
mySobek submode for the current request.
Public propertyMy_Sobek_Type
mySobek type of display for the current request.
Public propertyPage
Page number to be displayed (either for an item or for results )
Public propertyPage_By_FileName
Filename indicated in the URL to allow direct link by page file name, rather than sequence
Public propertyPortal_PURL
Gets the PURL associated with this portal which should be used for building permanent links for items
Public propertyRedirect
If this found a web content redirect in the system, the URL that this should be redirected to
Public propertyRemaining_Url_Segments
Remaining, unaccounted for, URL segments
Public propertyReport_Name
Name of the report requested from the reporting module
Public propertyRequest_Completed
Flag indicates if the request was completed, so no further operations should occur
Public propertyResult_Display_Type
Submode for the results display
Public propertyReturn_URL
Return url value from the url string
Public propertySearch_Fields
Search fields
Public propertySearch_Precision
Precision to be used while performing a metadata search in the database
Public propertySearch_String
Search string
Public propertySearch_Type
Submode for searching
Public propertyShow_Selection_Panel
Flag which determines if the selection panel is shown for an aggregation search
Public propertySize_Of_Thumbnails
Size of Thumbnails to appear in the related items viewer
Public propertySkin
Current skin for display purposes
Public propertySkin_In_URL
Flag which indicates the interface is indicated in the URL and query string
Public propertySort
Sort type employed for displaying result sets
Public propertyStatistics_Type
Submode for the statistics pages
Public propertySubAggregation
Information about which sub aggregationPermissions to include or exclude during a collection group search
Public propertySubPage
Sub page number to be displayed (either for an item or for results )
Public propertyText_Search
String to use for a single-item text search
Public propertyThumbnails_Per_Page
Thumbnails per page to appear in the related images item viewer
Public propertyTOC_Display
TOC Display flag, which indicates whether to display the table of contents in the item viewer
Public propertyTrace_Flag
Trace flag which indicates whether to display the trace route
Public propertyTrace_Flag_Simple
Simplified flag for displaying the trace route
Public propertyVID
Volume id to display
Public propertyViewerCode
Viewer code which indicates which viewer to use when displaying a single item in the item writer.
Public propertyWatermarks_URL
URL for the watermarks/icons under the design folder
Public propertyWebContent_Type
Webcontent type of display for the current request
Public propertyWebContentID
Primary key to the web content object selected
Public propertyWriter_Type
Writer type to be employed for rendering

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )