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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> METS_Sec_ReaderWriters >> SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter

SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter Class

Reader that operates against a single custom SobekCM descriptive METS section

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.METS_Sec_ReaderWriters
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter : XML_Writing_Base_Type, 

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodSobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter()()()()
Constructor for a new instance of the SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter class
Public methodSobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter(String)
Constructor for a new instance of the SobekCM_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter class


Public methodConvert_String_To_XML_Safe
Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string
(Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.)
Public methodInclude_dmdSec
Flag indicates if this active reader/writer will write a dmdSec
Public methodRead_dmdSec
Reads the dmdSec at the current position in the XmlTextReader and associates it with the entire package
Public methodSchema_Location
Returns the schema location information to be written in the XML/METS Header
Public methodSchema_Namespace
Returns the schema namespace (xmlns) information to be written in the XML/METS Header
Public methodSchema_Reference_Required_Package
Flag indicates if this active reader/writer needs to append schema reference information to the METS XML header by analyzing the contents of the digital resource item
Protected methodStatic membertoMETS
Helper method is used to create the METS from each individual data element
Public methodWrite_dmdSec
Writes the dmdSec for the entire package to the text writer

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )