Main Title Element HelpDefinitionThe main title form that is part of the full editing form combines two MODS top-level elements: Title and Note. The full editing form allows you to include information for the entire Title element, including the subelements: Sub Title, Part Number, Part Names, and Non Sort. This form also includes a field for the note type “Statement of Responsibility”, and allows you to identify the Language or Authority terms for the title information. The Title field is a word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes the chief title of a resource (i.e. the title normally used when citing the resource).1 In addition, the following subelements exist for the main title associated with the material:
Form ElementIn the online templates, this element appears as below: Upon clicking or typing in the main box, the form below appears to give access to all the individual components of the main title element: Best PracticesTitle: All items should include information in the Title field, and Non Sort terms should be entered in the Non Sort field. Title information may come from the cover or title page of a book or document or may come from a description of a map or image. The origin of title information may be noted in the Note field, for example, “Title information from cover page”. Example: The Americans in Panama Subtitle: Not all items will have a subtitle. Information that appears in a title after a colon, or appears after the title on the title page but not on the cover or half title page, should be included as a subtitle. Example: The Aftermath of the Trujillo dictatorship: the emergence of a pluralist political system... Part Number: Not all items will have a Part Number. The part number should be included on the title page of an item. Example: Saint Nicholas: Volume 9, no. 12. October 1882. Part Name: Not all items will have a Part Name. The part name should be included on the title page of an item. Example: pending Statement of Responsibility: Some items will not have a statement of responsibility. If phrases such as “by” or “edited by” or “by the author of” appear on the item, this information should be included in the Statement of Responsibility. Example: Jack and Florie, or, The Pigeons' wedding Language: Languages should be entered either by the ISO code, or by the term from the MARC Code List of Languages. Example: pending Authorities: The name of the authoritative list for a controlled value is recorded here. An authority attribute may be used to indicate that a title is controlled by a record in an authority file (e.g. authority="naf"). A list of authority files is maintained at: Title authorities can also be accessed at . Example: pending Sources
ContributorsNicola Hill, Mark Sullivan, and Laurie Taylor |