Simplified Title Element HelpDefinitionThe title is a word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in a resource, that names it or the work contained in it. 1 The entire title field consists of the title proper and may also contain the general material designation (medium), remainder of title, other title information, the remainder of the title page transcription, and statement(s) of responsibility. The title proper includes the short title and alternative title, the numerical designation of a part/section and the name of a part/section. For mixed material, the title statement is defined as the name by which the material is known. 2 As implemented, a title consists of the single title statement, a non-sorting portion of the title (usually includes the leading articles or punctuation), and a subtitle. Part number and part names may also be included. A particular display label, authority, and language may also be associated with the title. Form ElementIn the online templates, this element appears as below: This form element allows the user to enter just the simple title text for the main title of their item. The non-sort element of the title (leading article or punctuation) should be included. Other form elements for entering title information include Other Titles and Complex Title Entry. A title used as a subject should be entered through one of the subject form elements. Best PracticesThe best practice for entering title information is... ExamplesThe following are examples of well formatted titles:... Sources |