| Name | Description |
 | Add_Abstract(String) | Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item |
 | Add_Abstract(Abstract_Info) | Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item |
 | Add_Abstract(String, String) | Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item |
 | Add_Abstract(String, String, String, String) | Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item |
 | Add_Cartographics_Subject | Add a new empty cartographics subject and return it |
 | Add_Classification(String) | Adds a new classification to this item |
 | Add_Classification(Classification_Info) | Adds a new classifications to this item |
 | Add_Classification(String, String) | Adds a new classification to this item |
 | Add_Genre(String) | Add a new genre term to this item |
 | Add_Genre(Genre_Info) | Add a new genre to this item |
 | Add_Genre(String, String) | Add a new genre term to this item |
 | Add_Hierarchical_Geographic_Subject | Add a new empty hierarchical geographic subject and return it |
 | Add_Identifier(String) | Adds a new identifier to this item |
 | Add_Identifier(Identifier_Info) | Adds a new identifier to this item |
 | Add_Identifier(String, String) | Adds a new identifier to this item |
 | Add_Identifier(String, String, String) | Adds a new identifier to this item |
 | Add_Language(String) | Indicate another language associated with this material |
 | Add_Language(String, String, String) | Indicate another language associated with this material |
 | Add_MODS | Appends this bibliographic description information as MODS to the StringBuilder object |
 | Add_Name_Subject | Add a new empty name subject and return it |
 | Add_Named_Entity(String) | Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource |
 | Add_Named_Entity(Name_Info) | Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource |
 | Add_Named_Entity(String, String) | Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource |
 | Add_Named_Entity(String, String, String) | Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource |
 | Add_Note(String) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Note(Note_Info) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Note(String, Note_Type_Enum) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Note(String, String) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Note(String, Note_Type_Enum, String) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Note(String, String, String) | Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item |
 | Add_Other_Title(Title_Info) | Adds a new title to this item |
 | Add_Other_Title(String, Title_Type_Enum) | Adds a new title to this item |
 | Add_Related_Item | Adds a new related item to this digital resource |
 | Add_Scale(String, String) | Add scale information to this resource |
 | Add_Scale(String, String, String, String) | Add scale information to this resource |
 | Add_Subject()()()() | Add a new empty subject and return it |
 | Add_Subject(Subject_Info) | Add an existing subject to this digital resource |
 | Add_Subject(String, String) | Add a new subject keyword and return it |
 | Add_Target_Audience(String) | Adds a new targeted audience to this item |
 | Add_Target_Audience(TargetAudience_Info) | Adds a new targeted audience to this item |
 | Add_Target_Audience(String, String) | Adds a new targeted audience to this item |
 | Add_Title_Subject | Add a new empty title info subject and return it |
 | Clear_Abstracts | Clears all the abstracts (summary, content scope, etc.. ) which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Classifications | Clears all the classifications which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Genres | Clears any existing genre terms from this item |
 | Clear_Identifiers | Clears all the identifiers which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Languages | Clears all the languages which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Names | Clears all of the named entities which were associated with this digital resource |
 | Clear_Notes | Clears all of the notes which were associated with this digital resource |
 | Clear_Other_Titles | Clears all the other titles which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Related_Items | Clear all the items which are associated with this resource as related items |
 | Clear_Subjects | Clears all the subjects which were related to this item |
 | Clear_Target_Audiences | Clears all the targeted audiences which were related to this item |
 | Contains_Abstract | Checks to see if an abstract is part of the collection of abstracts associated with this item |
 | Convert_String_To_XML_Safe | Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string (Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.) |
 | Insert_Target_Audience | Inserts a new targeted audience to this item at the provided index |
 | Remove_Classification | Remove an existing classification from this digital resource |
 | Remove_Genre | Removes a single genre from the list of genre terms associated with this item |
 | Remove_Identifier | Remove an existing identifier from this digital resource |
 | Remove_Language | Removes an existing language object from this item |
 | Remove_Name | Removes a named entity from the collection of names associated with this digital resource |
 | Remove_Note | Removes a single note from the collection of notes associated with this digital resource |
 | Remove_Other_Title | Removes an existing other title from the other title collection |
 | Remove_Related_Item | Removes a related item from this digital resource |
 | Remove_Subject | Removes a subject from the list of subjects related to this item |
 | Remove_Target_Audience | Removes an existing target audience |
 | toMODS | Helper method to create a simple MODS line |