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Code Details >> Resource_Object >> Divisions Sub-Namespace

SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions Namespace

Contains both the structural information as well as all the files


Public classabstract_TreeNode
Abstract class representing a single tree node in a structural map tree associated with a digital resource
Public classDivision_Info
Stores information about the divisions and files associated with this resource
Public classDivision_Tree
Division_Tree is a data object in memory which stores a hierarchy of TreeNode objects which represent divisions, pages, and files
Public classDivision_TreeNode
Division node in a strucutral map tree associated with a digital resource
Public classFileMD5
FileMD5 is an object used to convert a file to a MD5 Checksum string. The name of this file is passed in during the construction of this object, or by using the property FileName. Then the Checksum is retrieved by using the Checksum property.

Public classFileSHA1
FileSha1 is an object used to convert a file to a sha1 Checksum string. The name of this file is passed in during the construction of this object, or by using the property FileName. Then the Checksum is retrieved by using the Checksum property.

Public classOuter_Division_Info
Class holds information about any outer divisions which wrap around the rest of the structure map and explain how this resource relates to the larger series or set of resources
Public classPage_TreeNode
Page node in a strucutral map tree associated with a digital resource
Public classSobekCM_File_Info
Stores the information about single file associated with a digital resource


Public enumerationSobekCM_File_Info_Type_Enum
Enumeration is used to keep track of what type of file reference this is (i.e., referenced on the same file system or a reference to an external URL )

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )