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Division_Info Class

Stores information about the divisions and files associated with this resource

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Divisions
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class Division_Info : XML_Writing_Base_Type


Object created by Mark V Sullivan (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Public methodDivision_Info
Constructor creates a new instance of the Divison_Info class


Public methodAdd_Outer_Division
Adds a new outer division
Public methodCalculate_Checksum
Recalculates all the checksums for associated files
Public methodClear
Clear all divisions and all files
Public methodClear_Checksums
Clears the checksums associated with all the page file images
Public methodClear_Outer_Divisions
Clears the outer divisions which wrap around the rest of the structure map and explain how this resource relates to the larger series or set of resources
Public methodContains_Outer_Division
Flag indicates if an outer division with the label and type already exists
Public methodConvert_String_To_XML_Safe
Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string
(Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.)
Public methodMinimize_File_Size
Method removes many of the string values that are loaded while reading the metadata but are not needed for general use of the item in the SobekCM web application


Public propertyDownload_Other_Files
Gets the collection of all download/other files associated with this resource
Public propertyDownload_Tree
Gets the division hierarchy tree which contains all other download files
Public propertyFiles
Gets the collection of all files associated with this resource, either in the physical hierarchy tree or the download/other files hierarchy
Public propertyHas_Files
Flag indicates if there are any files linked to this item in either the physical TOC tree or the download/other files tree
Public propertyHas_Multiple_Divisions
Flag indicates if there are multiple divisions for this physical tree
Public propertyMetadata_Search_Terms
Gets the metadata search terms and values to be saved to the database to allow searching to occur over the data in this metadata module
Public propertyNeeds_Checksums
Returns flag indicating it needs checksums calculated
Public propertyOuter_Division_Count
Get the number of outer divisions
Public propertyOuter_Divisions
Returns the readonly collection of outer divisions
Public propertyPage_Count
Gets the number of pages in the physical structure map for this item, or allows the number of pages to be set for items which do not have any pages (such as PDF only objects)
Public propertyPage_Files
Gets the collection of all page image files associated with the physical structure map for this resource
Public propertyPhysical_Tree
Gets the physical division hierarchy tree (analogous to the table of contents for an original phyiscl object)
Public propertySource_Directory
Gets and sets the source directory, where all the related files should exist
Public propertySuppress_Checksum
Gets and sets the flag to suppress checksums
Protected propertyTable_Of_Contents_XML

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )