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MODS_Info Class

Contains all the data elements which are expressed in MODS format.

Namespace: SobekCM.Resource_Object.Bib_Info
Assembly: SobekCM_Resource_Object (in SobekCM_Resource_Object.dll) Version: (4.10.0)


public class MODS_Info : XML_Writing_Base_Type


Object created by Mark V Sullivan (2006) for University of Florida's Digital Library Center.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Public methodMODS_Info
Constructor for a new instance of the MODS_Info class.


Public methodAdd_Abstract(String)
Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item
Public methodAdd_Abstract(Abstract_Info)
Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item
Public methodAdd_Abstract(String, String)
Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item
Public methodAdd_Abstract(String, String, String, String)
Adds a new abstract (summary, content scope, etc.. ) to this item
Public methodAdd_Cartographics_Subject
Add a new empty cartographics subject and return it
Public methodAdd_Classification(String)
Adds a new classification to this item
Public methodAdd_Classification(Classification_Info)
Adds a new classifications to this item
Public methodAdd_Classification(String, String)
Adds a new classification to this item
Public methodAdd_Genre(String)
Add a new genre term to this item
Public methodAdd_Genre(Genre_Info)
Add a new genre to this item
Public methodAdd_Genre(String, String)
Add a new genre term to this item
Public methodAdd_Hierarchical_Geographic_Subject
Add a new empty hierarchical geographic subject and return it
Public methodAdd_Identifier(String)
Adds a new identifier to this item
Public methodAdd_Identifier(Identifier_Info)
Adds a new identifier to this item
Public methodAdd_Identifier(String, String)
Adds a new identifier to this item
Public methodAdd_Identifier(String, String, String)
Adds a new identifier to this item
Public methodAdd_Language(String)
Indicate another language associated with this material
Public methodAdd_Language(String, String, String)
Indicate another language associated with this material
Protected methodAdd_MODS
Appends this bibliographic description information as MODS to the StringBuilder object
Public methodAdd_Name_Subject
Add a new empty name subject and return it
Public methodAdd_Named_Entity(String)
Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Named_Entity(Name_Info)
Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Named_Entity(String, String)
Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Named_Entity(String, String, String)
Add a new named entity (i.e., creator, contributor) associated with this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Note(String)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Note(Note_Info)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Note(String, Note_Type_Enum)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Note(String, String)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Note(String, Note_Type_Enum, String)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Note(String, String, String)
Add a new note which describes either this digital resource or the original item
Public methodAdd_Other_Title(Title_Info)
Adds a new title to this item
Public methodAdd_Other_Title(String, Title_Type_Enum)
Adds a new title to this item
Public methodAdd_Related_Item
Adds a new related item to this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Scale(String, String)
Add scale information to this resource
Public methodAdd_Scale(String, String, String, String)
Add scale information to this resource
Public methodAdd_Subject()()()()
Add a new empty subject and return it
Public methodAdd_Subject(Subject_Info)
Add an existing subject to this digital resource
Public methodAdd_Subject(String, String)
Add a new subject keyword and return it
Public methodAdd_Target_Audience(String)
Adds a new targeted audience to this item
Public methodAdd_Target_Audience(TargetAudience_Info)
Adds a new targeted audience to this item
Public methodAdd_Target_Audience(String, String)
Adds a new targeted audience to this item
Public methodAdd_Title_Subject
Add a new empty title info subject and return it
Public methodClear_Abstracts
Clears all the abstracts (summary, content scope, etc.. ) which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Classifications
Clears all the classifications which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Genres
Clears any existing genre terms from this item
Public methodClear_Identifiers
Clears all the identifiers which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Languages
Clears all the languages which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Names
Clears all of the named entities which were associated with this digital resource
Public methodClear_Notes
Clears all of the notes which were associated with this digital resource
Public methodClear_Other_Titles
Clears all the other titles which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Related_Items
Clear all the items which are associated with this resource as related items
Public methodClear_Subjects
Clears all the subjects which were related to this item
Public methodClear_Target_Audiences
Clears all the targeted audiences which were related to this item
Public methodContains_Abstract
Checks to see if an abstract is part of the collection of abstracts associated with this item
Public methodConvert_String_To_XML_Safe
Converts a basic string into an XML-safe string
(Inherited from XML_Writing_Base_Type.)
Public methodInsert_Target_Audience
Inserts a new targeted audience to this item at the provided index
Public methodRemove_Classification
Remove an existing classification from this digital resource
Public methodRemove_Genre
Removes a single genre from the list of genre terms associated with this item
Public methodRemove_Identifier
Remove an existing identifier from this digital resource
Public methodRemove_Language
Removes an existing language object from this item
Public methodRemove_Name
Removes a named entity from the collection of names associated with this digital resource
Public methodRemove_Note
Removes a single note from the collection of notes associated with this digital resource
Public methodRemove_Other_Title
Removes an existing other title from the other title collection
Public methodRemove_Related_Item
Removes a related item from this digital resource
Public methodRemove_Subject
Removes a subject from the list of subjects related to this item
Public methodRemove_Target_Audience
Removes an existing target audience
Protected methodtoMODS
Helper method to create a simple MODS line


Protected fieldabstracts
Protected field contains the collection of summary/abstracts associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldaccessCondition
Protected field contains the rights associated with the use of this digital resource
Protected fieldclassifications
Protected field contains the collection of classifications associated with this digital resource
Protected fielddonor
Protected field contains the donor object for this material
Protected fieldgenres
Protected field contains the collection of genre terms associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldidentifiers
Protected field contains the collection of subjects associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldlanguages
Protected field contains the collection of languages associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldlocationInfo
Protected field contains the location object that holds information about the physical location of the original document and any URL information for the item or related EADs
Protected fieldmain_entity_name
Protected field contains the main entity information (main author, etc..) for this digital resource
Protected fieldmainTitle
Protected field contains the main title associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldModsOriginInfo
Protected field contains the origination information ( publisher, years, frequency, etc..) associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldnames
Protected field contains the collection of names associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldnotes
Protected field contains the collection of notes associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldoriginalPhysicalDesc
Protected field contains the physical description (extent and notes) of the original resource, which is encoded as a related item in the MODS
Protected fieldotherTitles
Protected field contains the collection of subjects associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldrecordInfo
Protected field contains the information about the actual record which describes the digital resource, including original source, cataloging language, main identifier, etc...
Protected fieldrelatedItems
Protected field contains the collection of related items associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldseriesPartInfo
Protected field contains the series part information for this resource
Protected fieldseriesTitle
Protected field contains the series title associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldsubjects
Protected field contains the collection of subjects associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldtableOfContents
Protected field contains the table of contents value in this MODS portion of the metadata file
Protected fieldtargetAudiences
Protected field contains the collection of subjects associated with this digital resource
Protected fieldtype
Protected field contains the original resource type such as map, aerial photography, book, serial, etc..


Public propertyAbstracts
Collection of all the abstracts/summaries associated with this digital resource
Public propertyAbstracts_Count
The number of abstracts associated with this digital resource
Public propertyAccess_Condition
Rights associated with the use of this digital resource
Public propertyClassifications
Collection of classifications associated with this digital resource
Public propertyClassifications_Count
The number of classifications associated with this digital resource
Public propertyDonor
Gets and sets the donor object for this material
Public propertyGenres
Collection of genre types associated with this digital resource
Public propertyGenres_Count
The number of genre types associated with this digital resource
Public propertyhasDonor
Flag indicates if there is the possibility of some donor information being present for this digital resource
Public propertyhasLocationInformation
Flag indicates if there is the possibility of some location information being present for this digital resource
Public propertyhasMainEntityName
Flag indicates if there is the main entity information (main author, etc..) for this digital resource
Public propertyhasSeriesPartInfo
Flag indicates if there is series part information for this resource
Public propertyhasSeriesTitle
Flag indicates if there is a series title associated with this digital resource
Public propertyIdentifiers
Collection of identifiers associated with this digital resource
Public propertyIdentifiers_Count
The number of identifiers associated with this digital resource
Public propertyLanguages
Collection of languages associated with this digital resource
Public propertyLanguages_Count
The number of languages associated with this digital resource
Public propertyLocation
Location object holds information about the physical location of the original document and any URL information for the item or related EADs
Public propertyMain_Entity_Name
Gets and sets the main entity information (main author, etc..) for this digital resource
Public propertyMain_Title
Main title associated with this digital resource
Protected propertyMODS_Citation_String
Get the citation string, which is all the data fields lumped together for easy searching.
Public propertyNames
Collection of names (i.e., creators, contributors) associated with this digital resource
Public propertyNames_Count
The number of names (i.e., creators, contributors) associated with this digital resource
Public propertyNotes
Collection of notes associated with this digital resource
Public propertyNotes_Count
The number of notes associated with this digital resource
Public propertyOrigin_Info
Origination information ( publisher, years, frequency, etc..) associated with this digital resource
Public propertyOriginal_Description
Physical description (extent, notes, and form) of the original resource, encoded as a related item
Public propertyOther_Titles
Collection of alternate titles associated with this digital resource
Public propertyOther_Titles_Count
The number of alternate titles associated with this digital resource
Public propertyRecord
Information about the actual record which describes the digital resource, including original source, cataloging language, main identifier, etc...
Public propertyRelatedItems
Collection of all the information about items related to this digital resource
Public propertyRelatedItems_Count
The number of described items which are related to this digital resource
Public propertySeries_Part_Info
Gets and sets the series part information for this resource
Public propertySeriesTitle
Gets or sets the series title associated with this digital resource
Public propertySubjects
Collection of subject keywords associated with this digital resource
Public propertySubjects_Count
The number of subject keywords associated with this digital resource
Public propertyTableOfContents
Gets or sets the table of contents value in this MODS portion of the metadata file
Public propertyTarget_Audiences
Collection of audiences targeted (i.e., juvenile, adult, etc..) by the content of this digital resource
Public propertyTarget_Audiences_Count
The number of audiences targeted (i.e., juvenile, adult, etc..) by the content of this digital resource
Public propertyType
Original resource type such as map, aerial photography, book, serial, etc..

See Also

Version 4.10.0 ( last generated Monday, March 7, 2016 )