![]() Online Administrative TasksSystem Administrator Main MenuSee below for help on all of the options from the "System Admin" main menu. Help for Each of the System Admin Tasks
Any collection of items into a distinct searchable or browseable set is an item aggregation. This includes collections, subcollections, institutions, exhibits, etc.. Each item aggregation has its own home page and the search types and browse types can be defined for that page. This page allows a system administrator to edit existing item aggregations, activate and deactivate aggregations, and add new aggregations to this library.
HTML web skins provide a unique way to control the look and feel of each page served by this digital library. The skin controls the stylesheet used, as well as the header and footer. This allows the same digital collection to be branded by each of the partners involved. This page allows a system administrator to edit existing web skins and add new web skins.
Wordmarks are images which appear in the left navigation bar when viewing a single item in the item viewer. Each item can contain up to five wordmarks, linked in their METS file. This section allows the system administrator to add a new wordmark / icon to the database, to be referenced by digital resources within the item viewer.
Descriptions/tags are short notes that can be added to items by users. When activated for an aggregation, the describe/tagging function allows any logged in user to add a description to an item. The description is added in a note field, and the username and date for the description are automatically added as well. This section allows the system administrator to review all of the added descriptive tags overall and by particular users, to flag and correct if needed.
Forwarding allows one more aliases to be applied to an aggregation. In this way, an aggregation can appear to have multiple codes or names. This can assist with URL readability and for sunsetting old aggregation codes while providing forwarding to the new aggregation codes. This page allows a system administrator to delete existing aliases and create new aliases.
Users can be assigned many different permissions and defaults for interacting with this digital library. In the future, users will also be able to be assigned to groups, to inherit permissions from those groups. System administrators can use this page to reset user's passwords or edit every possible permission for each user of this system.
Projects are basically default metadata that can be selected by an authorized user for online submittal. The project-level data is stored in a project-level METS (PMETS) file that can be edited using the standard full online metadata form. When a user begins to add a new digital resource, the project-level data is loaded into the digital resource, before the user views the item in the online submittal form. The project-level data usually includes the item aggregation information linked to the project, as well as common default data. This page allows a system administrator to edit existing projects and create new projects as well.
Access to digital resources can be limited to certain IP ranges (or user group membership). This page allows a system administrator to control these ranges, change the message displayed when a user tries to access an access-restricted item, and enter individual IP address or contiguous IP addresses.
URL portals allow the same SobekCM library to have a very different look and feel and encompass different item aggregations. Each portal is defined by the incoming URL and the URL for each incoming request is analyzed to ensure it is handled correctly. This page allows a system administrator to view the currently cached URL portals.
This resets the cache and many of the application values and forces the web application to pull all the data fresh from the design folders and from the database. Use sparingly. ExampleExample of the "System Admin" main menu for DLOC administrators, available when logged in: |